All conflicts have a common cause.
We fight about our make-believe.
All conflicts have a common source.
It’s ‘Adam’ and his partner ‘Eve’.
Before their first fight they had lived
In Nature’s perfect harmony.
They were the last ones in the line
That would become humanity.
They had lived under Nature’s rule.
Their predecessors had no choice.
Like other species in Her ‘womb’
They just heard Mother Nature’s ‘voice’
Instructing them to reach out to
The bounds of their capacities,
To others, and to Nature’s God,
Her natural activities.

There was no conflict in their line
Because their genes were all unique.
There were no voices in their minds.
They heard just Mother Nature speak
Until the day ‘Eve’ learned to think,
A natural activity.
Unlike the ones that gave her life
This gave birth to humanity.

This mental thought was new to her.
She heard her voice inside her mind.
It asked the question “Why am I?”
The answer though she couldn’t find.
Instinctively they’d feared unknowns.
This one she thought they should avoid.
So she asked ‘Adam’, “Why am I?”
And he set out to fill the void.
He couldn’t find the answer though.
The emptiness just would not leave.
To stem the fear of it he tried
To fill the void with make believe.

He shared his man-made myth with ‘Eve’.
He thought it was a great reply.
She thought she could do better so
’Eve’ made up her own reason why.
And so began conflict between
What Nature put into their mind
And myths they made up to fill in
The answer that they couldn’t find.

The conflict in our lives are fights
Between our two activities.
Depending on how much of each
It varies in intensities.
The first of them I have defined
As natural activity.
By making individuals
It gave birth to humanity.
As well it can be called ideal,
Essential, self-creative too.
Defining it without a word
The colour ‘white’ will nicely do.

Activity made up by myths,
Beliefs, and other reasons why
I therefore call unnatural.
With it to fill the void we try.
Since it’s opposed to the ideal
It’s the antithesis of it.
It’s self-destructive, optional;
The colour ‘black’ will nicely fit.

Our life can be completely ‘white’.
Since life is ‘white’ it can’t be ‘black’.
It can be any shade of ‘grey’
Progressing from tiff to attack.
There is a universal thought
We fight because our myths don’t fit.
In conflict they’re irrelevant.
Direction is the cause of it.
We try to fight the void within.
Since it’s opposed to “reaching out…”
Forget the myths, direction is
What all this conflict is about.
And since the void is found within,
No matter what myth is proposed
With which we try to fill the void,
Directed inward they’re opposed.

When ‘Eve’ and ‘Adam’ found the void
They faced an existential choice.
They could confront the emptiness
Or follow Mother Nature’s ‘voice’.
They chose to try to fill the void.
However, they were unaware
Their choice would separate them from
Our Mother Nature’s peaceful care.
Had they continued to ‘reach out…”
They would have held onto her ‘hand’,
And we would not be living with
More conflict than we can withstand.

When they first tried to fill the void
It’s size and it’s effect were small.
Unnatural activity
Required? Almost none at all.
But some successors still asked “Why?”
Each why uncovered a new fact.
With each the void increased in size
And in effect increased its tract.
Unnatural activity
Increased in step, and the amount
Of natural activity
Was decreased by a likewise count.
Accordingly conflict increased
And more is added every day
For most believe we have the right
To fill the void in our own way.

Right now in 2024
Our lives are dominated by
Unnatural activity
Still looking for the reason why.
Our lives though aren’t completely ‘black’.
Without some ‘white’ in them we die.
And there is proof around the world
To make them more ‘white’ millions try.
We see the tries in our protests
Against the conflict in Ukraine,
Putin’s attempt to fill the void
That’s pretty well destroyed his brain.
There’re in protests for Palestine
But Netanyahu makes it tough.
He can’t be told, to fill the void
More genocide won’t be enough.

If tuning ‘white’ can end these wars
Then there’s the possibility
That though the clock is running down
We too might save humanity
By making peace with Mother Earth
Who we have pretty well destroyed
In our 200,000 years
Of failed attempts to fill the void.

To make peace with our Mother Earth
Is simple but it will be hard
For all the ways we try to fill
The void, we simply must discard.
Though eight there is a keystone way.
Right off we have to use our brain
And cut our population to
The number Nature can sustain.
The 8 billion plus more of us
Are fighting Nature to the death
Which measures our insanity
For if we win we lose our breath.
The others are just all the ways
We make our artificial life.
They’re easy to identify.
Just look around for all the strife.

Like ‘Eve’ and ‘Adam’ at our birth
We face that existential choice.
We still can try to fill the void
Or follow Mother Nature’s ‘voice’
Instructing us to reach out to
The bounds of our capacities,
To others, and to Nature’s God,
Our natural activities.
This time we know the consequence.
If we still try to fill the void
There’ll be no one to count the dead.
With conflict all will be destroyed.

TRUMP ‘16, BIDEN ‘20, NATURE ‘24 (rhymed reason)
AGE of ASININITY (rhymed reason)
COVID-19 vie er US (rhymed reason)
RACISM (rhymed reason)
CLIMATE BREAKDOWN (rhymed reason)
LIFE: a reaction to the void (rhymed reason)
0UR HISTORY and THE LAST WHY (reasoned prose)
EC0N0MY (rhymed reason)
THE LAST WHY: the poem (rhymed reason)
ALCOHOL, DRUGS, SEX, and other anesthetics (rhymed reason)
AGE of ENTERTAINMENT (rhymed reason)
DEMOCRACY: the death of us (rhymed reason)
DEMOCRACY: a debacle (rhymed reason)
MY POETRY (rhymed reason)
LAW of HUMAN NATURE (rhymed reason)
RELIGION (rhymed reason)
SEX (rhymed reason)
AFTERLIFE (rhymed reason)
HAPPINESS (rhymed reason)
ALONE: an anthem for humanity (rhymed reason)
WAR on PEACE (rhymed reason)
SOLDIER’S LAMENT (rhymed reason)
BELlEFS (rhymed reason)
JESUS’ SONG (rhymed reason)

COVID-19 vie er US

The COVID-19 is a bug
That is impossible to see;
But it is Nature’s weapon in
Her fight against humanity.
For centuries the way we’ve lived
Has been on Nature an attack.
But Nature seems inclined to live
So with this bug She’s fighting back.
8 billion is our number now,
Twice more than Nature can sustain.
We’re like a virus killing Her.
Like one, it seems we have no brain.
She tried to make a life for us
On earth that was a wondrous place.
She even showed us how to live.
In essence we coughed in Her face.

We reproduce just for the sake.
We’ve caused a resource deficit.
And after all She’s given us
In Nature’s home we dump our shit.
We’ve given Her a fever that’s
Approaching close to 2 degrees
Above what was ideal for life,
Thus causing Her increased disease.
Heat kills Her creatures, land and sea.
It’s drying out and drowning land.
So in the home She made for us
There is less space for us to stand.
We’re burning Nature’s lungs so She
Is having trouble drawing breath.
They’re getting worse so now it seems
Her lungs in flames may be Her death.

The COVID-19 is a bug
Shots can defeat by our accounts.
However, it won’t be a win
The way that Mother Nature counts.
A win for Nature would result
In Her sustainability.
If we do not support her try
That’s not a possibility.
In order to let Nature win
This basic fact we need to learn.
Since normal is what got us here,
To normal we cannot return.

We talk of God Economy
Emerging out of its death bed.
Because it brought us close to ours
We need to let it die instead.
A new economy we need,
To be our servant, not our god,
So we control the way we live
And Nature’s wealth we can applaud.
We need to ditch our politics.
It’s only been a source of fights.
With it, will be the death of us;
Without, humanity unites.
Religions and philosophies,
Blind spots in us they’ll always be.
These too we must discard so that
In worship, Nature’s God we see.

We praise the workers on front lines
And claim to be their greatest fans
But only show our gratitude
By banging empty pots and pans.
Love of our parents we profess.
This fact though we cannot ignore.
Instead of keeping them in life
In homes awaiting death we store.
We say the problem is no time
And or we can’t afford the cost
Of caring others have the same
As us. If not then Nature lost.
We chant “we’re all together” but
Together we will never be
Until we cast out from our life
Our evil inequality.
Division isn’t Nature’s way.
We can’t continue to divide.
The only way we can survive
Is with a life that has one side.

These changes are not radical.
The consequence will not be new.
We’ll be returning to just what
Our predecessors used to do.
They reached out to the limits of
Their own unique capacity,
To others, and to Nature’s God,
Creating thus, humanity.

But ‘Eve’ asked ‘Adam’, “Why am I?”,
And ‘Adam’ tried to fill the void.
Increasing efforts ever since
Have left our life all but destroyed.
Our tries have separated us.
We claim we have the ‘right’ to choose.
Two ‘rights’ though make a human wrong
Since separated we all lose.
If we continue with our tries
And keep that way of life alive,
Our win will cause the loss of life,
For our way Nature can’t survive.

OUR LIFE LINE (reasoned prose)
TRUMP ‘16, BIDEN ‘20, NATURE ‘24 (rhymed reason)
AGE of ASININITY (rhymed reason)
ABORTION (rhymed reason)
ANALYZING CONFLICT (rhymed reason)
RACISM (rhymed reason)
CLIMATE BREAKDOWN (rhymed reason)
LIFE: a reaction to the void (rhymed reason)
0UR HISTORY and THE LAST WHY (reasoned prose)
EC0N0MY (rhymed reason)
THE LAST WHY: the poem (rhymed reason)
ALCOHOL, DRUGS, SEX, and other anesthetics (rhymed reason)
AGE of ENTERTAINMENT (rhymed reason)
DEMOCRACY: the death of us (rhymed reason)
DEMOCRACY: a debacle (rhymed reason)
MY POETRY (rhymed reason)
TOGETHER (rhymed reason)
LAW of HUMAN NATURE (rhymed reason)
RELIGION (rhymed reason)
SEX (rhymed reason)
AFTERLIFE (rhymed reason)
HAPPINESS (rhymed reason)
ALONE: an anthem for humanity (rhymed reason)
WAR on PEACE (rhymed reason)
SOLDIER’S LAMENT (rhymed reason)


The strikes that Greta started are
Indeed a wonder to behold.
But they have not effected change
We need to make if truth be told.
The problem is they’re strikes against
The memes of all humanity
Which make a life we should agree
Defines the word insanity.

To make the necessary change
In order to keep us alive,
We need to fully understand
The reason we may not survive
This devastating climate change
Creates our recent history
Where we can see among the facts
The climate’s enemy is ‘we’.

About 2 million years ago
The elements of human life
Combined in Nature’s science lab
In ways that were devoid of strife.
The cells began to “reach out to
The bounds of their capacity,
To others, and to Nature’s God”,
Our natural activity,
Creating bodies just like ours
With minds that were all primed to fill.
Last, Mother Nature took a chance
And gave humanity free will.

200,000 years ago.
An ‘Eve’ asked Nature, “Why am I?”
And gave birth to humanity.
Her ‘Adam’ couldn’t find out why.
Instinctively they’d fled unknowns
But this one they could not avoid
So he created a response
With which they tried to fill the void.
This was a turning point for us.
With their capacity to choose
They could have gone on “reaching out…”
Exclusively, no life to lose.
Instead they tried to fill the void.
But still they felt the emptiness.
Their many offspring tried as well
Throughout the years without success.
Each try to fill the void replaced
The same amount of “reaching out…”,
The natural activity,
How our existence came about.
As they diminished “reaching out…”,
Those mounting tries to fill the void,
Unnatural activity,
Our life has pretty well destroyed
By heating up our Mother Earth
To the degree of causing death
Directly, but if not enough,
Our fires burn her source of breath.

We’re at another point in life,
This one the point of no return.
If we don’t wish to go beyond
Here are two facts we need to learn.
There simply is no answer to
The existential “Why am I?”
Since made up answers all conflict
We must discard the ways we try
To fill the void before we can
”Reach out to others...” and arrange
To stand together letting us
Begin arresting climate change.

It will be hard for we’ve been told
Our memes give meaning to our life,
And we believe despite the fact
That conflict in our lives is rife.
Though climate change is scaring us
Lost sense of meaning scares us more,
And so we’ve built our ‘forts’ of memes
Within our mind, without a door.
Our ‘forts’ are near impervious.
That’s why the COPs will not succeed,
And demonstrations, marches, strikes
Won’t work no matter how we plead.

Though forts of memes cannot be breached
By banging heads against a wall,
If our own memes we undermine
Defenses will begin to fall.
This is the only way we can
Successfully arrest the change
We’re making to our climate that
All life on earth will disarrange.
We all must undermine our memes,
But still we have to realize
The youth are best to lead because
Their memes have yet to fossilize.

We don’t need marching shoes or signs.
A two way mirror is what we need.
In them we’ll see dividing memes.
When we discard them we’ll succeed
In getting rid of politics,
Religion and philosophy.
To end all costs to life we’ll raze
Our vertical economy.
We’ll cut our population by
Reducing sex and families,
Allowing Nature to refresh
Her air, her water, and her trees.

Now rolling we won’t stop until
We put ourselves in Nature’s ‘jail’
Where natural activity
And Mother Nature will prevail.

OUR LIFE LINE (reasoned prose)
TRUMP ‘16, BIDEN ‘20, NATURE ‘24 (rhymed reason)
AGE of ASININITY (rhymed reason)
ANALYZING CONFLICT (rhymed reason)
RACISM (rhymed reason)
COVID-19 vie er US (rhymed reason)
CLIMATE BREAKDOWN (rhymed reason)
LIFE: a reaction to the void
OUR HISTORY and THE LAST WHY (reasoned prose)
DEMOCRACY: the death of us (rhymed reason)
DEMOCRACY: a debacle (rhymed reason)
ECONOMY (rhymed reason)
WAR on POVERTY (rhymed reason)
THE LAST WHY: the poem (rhymed reason)
AGE of ENTERTAINMENT (rhymed reason)
MY POETRY (rhymed reason)
TOGETHER (rhymed reason)
ALCOHOL, DRUGS, SEX and other anesthetics (rhymed reason)
RELIGION (rhymed reason)
SEX (rhymed reason)
AFTERLIFE (rhymed reason)
HAPPINESS (rhymed reason)
ALONE: an anthem for humanity (rhymed reason)
WAR on PEACE (rhymed reason)
SOLDIER’S LAMENT (rhymed reason)
JESUS’ SONG (rhymed reason)


There’s ‘knowledge’, ‘knowledge’ everywhere
Yet still we don’t know how to think.
Intended to keep us afloat
But deeper into shit we sink.
What weighs us down are not the facts
We need in order to survive.
What’s drowning us are ‘mountains’ of
The ‘knowledge’ of why we’re alive.

When 50 years or so ago
My own ‘life jacket’ fell apart,
Once more I searched the ‘mountains’ for
Perhaps another place to start.
So with a failure in my mind
I searched for ‘knowledge’ that would pass.
But what I found while looking was
In fact, the' ‘mountains’ have no mass.
What we are calling ‘knowledge’ now
Was all made up throughout the years.
No matter what, we trace it back
And every bit just disappears.
Since ‘mountains’ are just all the failed
Attempts to answer “Why am I?”,
By searching them again, defines
Insanity with every try.

Now razing them reveals the fact
The start of our insanity
Was after ‘Eve’ asked “Why am I?”,
Thus gave birth to humanity.
The answer ‘Adam’ didn’t know.
Unknowns he’d fled from to avoid.
Since it remained he due to fear
Replied, thus tried to fill the void.
That it would fail he couldn’t know.
For us there should be no surprise.
Since ‘Adams’ answer there have been
200,000 years of tries.

The answer he made up I call
Unnatural intelligence.
He tried to fill the void with it
Which made no existential sense.
Activity that was his try
I call unnatural, for it
Subtracted from his life and so,
In Nature’s plan it didn’t fit.

Our Mother’s plan for us began
About 2 million years ago.
We know it was by Nature’s hand,
The reason we will never know.
Our predecessors reached out to
The bounds of their capacities,
To others, and to Nature’s God,
Our natural activities,
Exclusively until about
200,000 years ago.
By then their bodies looked like ours,
The mind of ‘Eve’ was primed to know.

When ‘Eve’ first wondered “Why am I?”
She gave humanity a choice.
While Nature was still dominant,
Humanity now had a voice.
It wasn’t very loud at first.
Although still mostly Nature’s say,
As they increasingly asked “Why?”
Our ancestors made life their way.
Though asking “Why?” is natural,
With answers, unknowns disappear
Around the void which grows in size.
So asking caused increasing fear.
Increasing fear evoked response
Accordingly, so ‘mountains’ grew.
Unfortunate it is for us
It was the only way they knew.

Had they known then what we know now
They would have seen 2 million years
Of self-creative living and
With only life preserving fears.
Had they continued to “reach out…”
Right after ‘Eve’ asked “Why am I?”,
Our life would not be sinking now,
Our limits might have been the sky.

Although it’s late we might have time
To turn our sinking life around.
However, there’s no way we can
Unless we stand on common ground.
Our natural activity
Is still some part of all our lives.
We need at least a bit of it.
It’s how each one of us survives.
But judging by our ‘mountain’s’ size,
Collectively there’s not a lot.
In fact life scientists predict
We’ll sink for sure with what we’ve got.
Unnatural activity
As said makes up the other part.
To save our lives then, razing our
Own ‘mountain’ is the place to start.
Without the ‘mountains’ in our way,
And seeing nothing but the sky,
We could become what we can be,
And maybe answer “Why am I ?”

TRUMP ‘16, BIDEN ‘20 NATURE ‘24 (rhymed reason)
AGE of ASININITY (rhymed reason)
ABORTIION (rhymed reason)
ANALYZING CONFLICT (rhymed reason)
RACISM (rhymed reason)
COVID-19 vie er US (rhymed reason)
LIFE: a reaction to the void (rhymed reason)
CLIMATE BREAKDOWN (rhymed reason)
ECONOMY (rhymed reason)
DEMOCRACY: the death of us (rhymed reason)
OUR HISTORY and THE LAST WHY (reasoned prose)
THE LAST WHY: the poem (rhymed reason)
DEMOCRACY: a debacle (rhymed reason)
AGE of ENTERTAINMENT (rhymed reason)
MY POETRY (rhymed reason)
TOGETHER (rhymed reason)
LAW of HUMAN NATURE (rhymed reason)
ALCOHOL, DRUGS, SEX and other anesthetics (rhymed reason)
RELIGION (rhymed reason)
SEX (rhymed reason)
AFTERLIFE (rhymed reason)
HAPPINESS (rhymed reason)
ALONE: an anthem for humanity (rhymed reason)
WAR on PEACE (rhymed reason)
SOLDIER’S LAMENT (rhymed reason)
JESUS’ SONG (rhymed reason)


Abortion has again become
A leader in the daily news.
While one side wants to ban them all,
The other wants the right to choose.
This conflict is a recent one
Among the fights in history.
The reason for these fights in life
Is not at all a mystery.

The story of our life began
About 2 million years ago.
Our Mother Nature planned our life.
She made the choice to let us grow.
Our predecessors reached out to
The bounds of their capacities,
To ‘mothers’, and to Nature’s God,
Our natural activities.
They had unique capacities
Which were by Mother Nature picked.
They traveled side by side to them
Therefore their paths did not conflict.
They grew to be what we see now,
Gained natural intelligence,
Developed minds that could ask “why?”,
They started wanting to make sense.

Our Mother ‘Eve’ asked “Why am I?”
200,000 years ago,
Thus gave birth to humanity.
The answer, ‘Adam’ didn’t know.
Unknowns he feared instinctively.
This one he sensed he should avoid.
So he created a response
With which he tried to fill the void.
It didn’t for there is no way.
But his successors felt the need
To try repeatedly since then.
We still try now and don’t succeed.

Our tries are all unnatural
Activity. They’re all made up.
Increasing them diminishes
The “reaching out…” that’s in our cup
Of life activities bestowed
On us by Nature long ago
With natural intelligence,
’Food’ for our minds we need to grow.
Our tries are motivated by
Unnatural intelligence
We claim mistakenly is truth
For make-believe does not make sense.
They’re all directed inwardly.
Regardless of the blend we picked
Our tries oppose all others’ tries;
The consequence, they all conflict.
We try to fill the void with wealth,
Religion and philosophy,
Preeminence and jobs and love,
With any type of family.
We try with alcohol and drugs,
And then to make life most complex
Resulting in mass casualties,
We try to fill the void with sex.

It’s Nature’s Law sex is required
In order to create new life.
With tries to fill the void with sex
All we create is harmful strife.
We fight about when life begins,
About a woman’s right to choose,
We fight over the right to life,
But in the end it’s life we lose.
It’s not just of an unborn child.
It’s, when we fight we can’t “reach out…”
And for the first few million years
That’s just what life was all about.

Since we’ve increasingly made life
A blend of tries to fill the void,
The life that was when ‘Eve’ gave birth
We’ve clearly pretty well destroyed.
Life scientists don’t have much hope
That we can turn this life around,
But if we can there’s just one way.
We have to stand on common ground.
Not just to end abortion fights.
All tries to fill the void must end.
With nothing then to fight about
Each former foe will be a friend.
Together we will reach out to
The bounds of our capacity,
To others and to Nature’s God,
Creating our humanity.

healthcare or don’t care?

OUR LIFE LINE (reasoned prose)
TRUMP ‘16, BIDEN ‘20, NATURE ‘24 (rhymed reason)
LOVE (rhymed reason)
AGE of ASININITY (rhymed reason)
ANALYZING CONFLICT (rhymed reason)
RACISM (rhymed reason)
COVID-19 vie er US (rhymed reason)
LIFE: a reaction to the void (rhymed reason)
SEX (rhymed reason)
ALCOHOL, DRUGS, SEX and other anesthetics (rhymed reason)
DEMOCRACY: the death of us (rhymed reason)
CLIMATE BREAKDOWN (rhymed reason)
ECONOMY (rhymed reason)
THE LAST WHY: the poem (rhymed reason)
DEMOCRACY: a debacle (rhymed reason)
LOVE (rhymed reason)
OUR HISTORY and THE LAST WHY (reasoned prose)
AGE of ENTERTAINMENT (rhymed reason)
MY POETRY (rhymed reason)
TOGETHER (rhymed reason)
LAW of HUMAN NATURE (rhymed reason)
RELIGION (rhymed reason)
AFTERLIFE (rhymed reason)
HAPPINESS (rhymed reason)
ALONE: an anthem for humanity (rhymed reason)
WAR on PEACE (rhymed reason)
SOLDIER’S LAMENT (rhymed reason)
JESUS’ SONG (rhymed reason)