We’re all in this together mate.
So we'll all suffer the same fate.
Although we each have our own ‘boat’
There’s just one ‘sea’ on which to float.

Clean mountain air I used to breathe
Is fouled by what the cities leave.
And smoke from fires anywhere
Contaminates our global air.
When some strip oceans, forests, streams,
We’ll all hear Mother Nature's screams.

Although we are uniquely bred,
We weave life with a common thread.
We’re in reaction to the void
Which we're all trying to avoid;
But fail no matter how we try
To simply answer “why am I?”

We try to fill the void with cash,
The stuff it buys or with a stash.
Religions and philosophies,
And content overload we seize.
With food, drugs, sex and alcohol,
On jobs and families we call.
With love, and too preeminence 
We try to fill the void with sense.
With one we try or maybe all;
No matter, with them we still fall.
That they divide us we can tell,
Our tries create a common hell.
With different activity
We all divide humanity.

Since there’s just one sea we're not smart
To live with whys that are apart.
Together is how we’ll endure
The feelings we are insecure.
By living lives that separate
We’re in a constant lonely state.
Apart we can't remain alive.
Together is how we survive.

So if we don't want life to pass
We must get off our common ass.
Together we must see what’s right
Revealed in Mother Nature’s ‘light’.
They’re natural activities
Which fill up our capacities
That are unique by Nature picked
And so with others don’t conflict.
We must seek help from others too,
Alone we can’t know right to do.
And finally we must applaud
Acknowledgement of Nature’s God.

Together we must see this 'light'.
For on our own we'll lose the fight.
And at the end we'll not begin
Another fight that we might win.
When life is over, our will done
Apart, no one will see the sun.

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