A couple weeks ago I received emails from a cousin Susan, a nephew Gordon and Sven Latham, a man I only know through the "Blogwise" portal he has created. I receive other emails but these three created in me a feeling I struggled to describe. All the other emails keep me in contact; but these three I eventually decided made me feel momentarily connected. It is a feeling we all long to but rarely experience.

More commonly we feel disconnected from each other. It is a dreadful feeling but though common it is apparently unintended. The facts of life seem to confirm we all come with the hardware we need to feel connected. We have the necessary program too. It is to reach out to the limits of our capacities, to others and to God. One of the many consequences of this ideal reaction to the void is feeling connected. However, the program is optional.

We can, if we choose to, modify our common program by adding efforts to fill the void with a number of inherited reactions. The modification is not simple addition though, because space in the program is limited. Thus, when we add an amount of any way we try to fill the void we must delete an equivalent amount of "reaching out...", with only one restriction. The moment we delete the last byte of "reaching out..." we self-destruct. 

The relationship between reaching out to the limits of our capacities, to others and to God and feeling connected, is direct. The more we "reach out..." the more connected we feel; and conversely the more we try to fill the void the more disconnected we feel. By the definition of life we have to feel somewhat connected. At present however, we feel generally disconnected because our lives are predominantly efforts to fill the void. 

To feel more connected we need to delete our efforts to fill the void and reinstall our common program. By reaching out to the limits of our capacities, to others and to God we will create the human interconnect and commonly experience feeling connected.
see (the last why: the poem)